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inCoris ZI mono L F 2, für inlab + MC-XL, 3 Stk.
Artikel-Nr.: 106.235.456
inCoris ZI mono blocks are in a partially sintered state and used to produce crown copings and bridge frameworks with up to two pontics in the posterior and anterior regions. The frameworks are milled at an excess size. After they have been sintered, they acquire the desired characteristics (precise dimensions, density, strength, shade).
° High-performance ceramics for large-span and finely designed frameworks
° Milling and grinding with inLab MC XL
° Outstanding fracture strength and longevity
° First-class processing quality and biocompatibility
° Approved for the Speed and Superspeed sintering functions of the inFire HTC speed
° High-performance ceramics for large-span and finely designed frameworks
° Milling and grinding with inLab MC XL
° Outstanding fracture strength and longevity
° First-class processing quality and biocompatibility
° Approved for the Speed and Superspeed sintering functions of the inFire HTC speed
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