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B5 MicroMega One RECI n20 4% L31 Sterile, 5 Stk. 60029888
Artikel-Nr.: 20.948.213
MicroMega One RECI is a single-use reciprocating instrument for root canal shaping.
Made of Nickel Titanium, MicroMega One RECI, thanks to its patented C.Wire heat treatment, offers excellent compromise between flexibility and cutting efficiency. The reciprocating motion of MicroMega One RECI offers safety, resistance to cyclic fatigue and comfort of use.
- SAFETY: resistance to cyclic fatigue thanks to its heat treatment and reciprocating motion. (1)
- CUTTING EFFICIENCY: its asymmetrical and variable section increases cutting efficiency and facilitates the removal of debris. Its section guarantees a centering of the file in the canal. (1)
- FLEXIBILITY: its C.Wire heat treatment gives MicroMega One RECI its flexibility and its controlled memory which allows the file to be pre-bent. The root canal anatomy is thus respected. (2)
- MINIMALLY INVASIVE: its 1mm wire diameter preserves the peri-cervical part of the canal and the surrounding dental tissue. (3 & 4)
1) Gianluca Plotino, DDS, PhD,* Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, BDS, HDD (Endo), PhD, Nicola Maria Grande, DDS, PhD, Stephen Cohen, MA, DDS, FICD, and Frederic Bukiet, DDS, MSc, PhD. Current Assessment of Reciprocation in Endodontic Preparation: A Comprehensive Review - Part II: Properties and Effectiveness
(2) PHILLIP L Tomson, Stéphane R Simon - Contemporary cleaning and shaping of the root canal system - Prim Dent J. 2016;5(2): 46-53
(3) R. Krishan: Impacts of Conservative Endodontic Cavity on Root Canal Instrumentation JOE (40) 8, 2014
(4) Clark D, Khademi J. Modern molar endodontic access and directed dentin conservation. Dent Clin North Am 2010;54:249-73
Made of Nickel Titanium, MicroMega One RECI, thanks to its patented C.Wire heat treatment, offers excellent compromise between flexibility and cutting efficiency. The reciprocating motion of MicroMega One RECI offers safety, resistance to cyclic fatigue and comfort of use.
- SAFETY: resistance to cyclic fatigue thanks to its heat treatment and reciprocating motion. (1)
- CUTTING EFFICIENCY: its asymmetrical and variable section increases cutting efficiency and facilitates the removal of debris. Its section guarantees a centering of the file in the canal. (1)
- FLEXIBILITY: its C.Wire heat treatment gives MicroMega One RECI its flexibility and its controlled memory which allows the file to be pre-bent. The root canal anatomy is thus respected. (2)
- MINIMALLY INVASIVE: its 1mm wire diameter preserves the peri-cervical part of the canal and the surrounding dental tissue. (3 & 4)
1) Gianluca Plotino, DDS, PhD,* Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, BDS, HDD (Endo), PhD, Nicola Maria Grande, DDS, PhD, Stephen Cohen, MA, DDS, FICD, and Frederic Bukiet, DDS, MSc, PhD. Current Assessment of Reciprocation in Endodontic Preparation: A Comprehensive Review - Part II: Properties and Effectiveness
(2) PHILLIP L Tomson, Stéphane R Simon - Contemporary cleaning and shaping of the root canal system - Prim Dent J. 2016;5(2): 46-53
(3) R. Krishan: Impacts of Conservative Endodontic Cavity on Root Canal Instrumentation JOE (40) 8, 2014
(4) Clark D, Khademi J. Modern molar endodontic access and directed dentin conservation. Dent Clin North Am 2010;54:249-73
Micro Mega
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