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GC Initial LiSi Press LT-A1 3g x 5
Artikel-Nr.: 132.901.538
GC Initial LiSi Press is a high-strength lithium disilicate ingot with proprietary HDM (High Density Micronization) technology that equally disperses micro-crystals - rather than traditional larger-size crystals - to fill the entire glass matrix, resulting in excellent physical properties and aesthetics. It has a biaxial flexural strength of >500MPa and virtually no reaction layer when divested. The material is wear resistant, stable after multiple firings and optimized for use with GC Initial® LiSi veneering ceramic and GC Initial® IQ Lustre Pastes NF.
° Occlusal veneers
° Thin veneers
° Veneers
° Inlays
° Onlays
° Crowns in the anterior and posterior region
° 3-unit bridges in the anterior region
° 3-unit bridges in the premolar region up to the second premolar as most lateral unit
° Crown or splinted crown on top of an implant abutment
° 3-unit bridges up to the second premolar placed on top of an implant abutment
° Occlusal veneers
° Thin veneers
° Veneers
° Inlays
° Onlays
° Crowns in the anterior and posterior region
° 3-unit bridges in the anterior region
° 3-unit bridges in the premolar region up to the second premolar as most lateral unit
° Crown or splinted crown on top of an implant abutment
° 3-unit bridges up to the second premolar placed on top of an implant abutment
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Spezielle Verblendkeramik für Lithium-Disilikat. Bei dieser Keramik handelt...
Mischkanülen für S 50, hellblau, 100 Stk. D-49701-3 *Neu* D49701X3
° Dosierung 1:1 ° Innen-Ø 3,2 mm ° Farbe hellblau
KMG Liquid 500 ml
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