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GC Gradia Plus Paste LB-Base D 2 ml
Artikel-Nr.: 132.901.093
Modular composite system for indirect restorations.
A NEW STANDARD in lifelike mixing and layering of shades.
GC is proud to introduce its novel laboratory composite GRADIA PLUS, developed in close co-operation with a group of top dental technicians.
Based on the latest ceramic polymer technology this advanced, high-strength, nano-hybrid, light-curing composite offers brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain.
Its unique modular concept has fewer standard shades, but uses a more individual mixing and layering approach making it more compact and cost-effective. Nevertheless it will meet all demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach.
Innovation meets indication
°Wide range of clinical applications: from metal free inlays, veneers and jacket crowns to frame-supported crowns & bridges and implant superstructures
°Improved aesthetics and superior mechanical properties, ensuring a long-term, permanent solution
State-of-the-art ceramic-polymer technology
°High-density and homogeneously dispersed ultra-fine fillers offer high mechanical properties achieved by light-curing only
°High wear-resistance, compacted surface and surface smoothness, which delivers durability and high gloss retention
Red & white aesthetics in perfect harmony
°Brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence and fluorescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain
°Meets all aesthetics regardless of the selected technique: from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
°Easy to polish thanks to high compacted & smooth surface
°Wide variety of red shades offering a close match of the patient's gingival tissue in colour and texture
Indication-related consistency of pastes
°Two paste viscosities Heavy Body and Light Body, fine-tuned based on their typical indication and area of application:
°For production of high-aesthetic crown and bridge work, the layering technique offers an almost unlimited number of colour combinations
°For fast and easy monolithical restorations, the single One Body pastes are the perfect base
°The Lustre Paint colours provide an extremely simple way to add long-lasting colour and surface gloss as well as a high wear resistance and protection:
°Can be used for internal and external colouring
°Colours can easily be mixed together and the consistency can be adapted using the Lustre Paint diluting liquid
°Reduces the polishing stage, saving you valuable time
Rational and modular
°Unique modular concept that allows choosing the module that meets the demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
F°ewer standard shades but more ceramic like individual mixing and layering of shades making it more compact and cost-effective
°Four V-coloured opaques and one base opaque with excellent flow and effective masking ability
Curing at the speed of light
°All shades of GC GRADIA PLUS polymerize completely in short irradiation times with the all-new GC Labolight Duo, our state-of-the-art multi-functional light-curing device which combines two curing modes: pre-curing (step mode) and final curing (full mode)
A NEW STANDARD in lifelike mixing and layering of shades.
GC is proud to introduce its novel laboratory composite GRADIA PLUS, developed in close co-operation with a group of top dental technicians.
Based on the latest ceramic polymer technology this advanced, high-strength, nano-hybrid, light-curing composite offers brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain.
Its unique modular concept has fewer standard shades, but uses a more individual mixing and layering approach making it more compact and cost-effective. Nevertheless it will meet all demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach.
Innovation meets indication
°Wide range of clinical applications: from metal free inlays, veneers and jacket crowns to frame-supported crowns & bridges and implant superstructures
°Improved aesthetics and superior mechanical properties, ensuring a long-term, permanent solution
State-of-the-art ceramic-polymer technology
°High-density and homogeneously dispersed ultra-fine fillers offer high mechanical properties achieved by light-curing only
°High wear-resistance, compacted surface and surface smoothness, which delivers durability and high gloss retention
Red & white aesthetics in perfect harmony
°Brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence and fluorescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain
°Meets all aesthetics regardless of the selected technique: from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
°Easy to polish thanks to high compacted & smooth surface
°Wide variety of red shades offering a close match of the patient's gingival tissue in colour and texture
Indication-related consistency of pastes
°Two paste viscosities Heavy Body and Light Body, fine-tuned based on their typical indication and area of application:
°For production of high-aesthetic crown and bridge work, the layering technique offers an almost unlimited number of colour combinations
°For fast and easy monolithical restorations, the single One Body pastes are the perfect base
°The Lustre Paint colours provide an extremely simple way to add long-lasting colour and surface gloss as well as a high wear resistance and protection:
°Can be used for internal and external colouring
°Colours can easily be mixed together and the consistency can be adapted using the Lustre Paint diluting liquid
°Reduces the polishing stage, saving you valuable time
Rational and modular
°Unique modular concept that allows choosing the module that meets the demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
F°ewer standard shades but more ceramic like individual mixing and layering of shades making it more compact and cost-effective
°Four V-coloured opaques and one base opaque with excellent flow and effective masking ability
Curing at the speed of light
°All shades of GC GRADIA PLUS polymerize completely in short irradiation times with the all-new GC Labolight Duo, our state-of-the-art multi-functional light-curing device which combines two curing modes: pre-curing (step mode) and final curing (full mode)
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