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XCP Visierring Posterior, gelb 540860
Artikel-Nr.: 71.254.086
Your Key to Accurate Positioning:
° Works with Film, PSP and Digital Sensors.
° Quickly align the x-ray tube to media.
° Accurate positioning and precise x-rays prevent cone cutting.
° Easy to assemble with color coded XCP components.
° Patented color coding: Anterior-Blue Posterior-Yellow Red-Bitewing.
° Autoclavable for low cost per use.
° Quantity: 1-Ring (540860 Posterior (yellow) Aiming Ring)
For use with:
° 540858 XCP Posterior (yellow pins) Stainless Steel Indicator Arm
° DENTSPLY Rinn Biteblocks for film/psp and digital sensors (see Digital Sensors for listing)
With DENTSPLY Rinn XCP Extension Cone Paralleling Arms and Rings you can achieve distortion-free radiographs. The easy-to-assemble components with patented color coding (blue, yellow, red) quickly align for accurate positioning and prevent cone cutting. The XCP system works with film, phosphor plates and digital sensors, and are autoclavable for a low cost-per-use. The ergonomic design along with the light weight and compact design enhance patient comfort while securely holding the media in place. Arms and rings sold individually.
° Works with Film, PSP and Digital Sensors.
° Quickly align the x-ray tube to media.
° Accurate positioning and precise x-rays prevent cone cutting.
° Easy to assemble with color coded XCP components.
° Patented color coding: Anterior-Blue Posterior-Yellow Red-Bitewing.
° Autoclavable for low cost per use.
° Quantity: 1-Ring (540860 Posterior (yellow) Aiming Ring)
For use with:
° 540858 XCP Posterior (yellow pins) Stainless Steel Indicator Arm
° DENTSPLY Rinn Biteblocks for film/psp and digital sensors (see Digital Sensors for listing)
With DENTSPLY Rinn XCP Extension Cone Paralleling Arms and Rings you can achieve distortion-free radiographs. The easy-to-assemble components with patented color coding (blue, yellow, red) quickly align for accurate positioning and prevent cone cutting. The XCP system works with film, phosphor plates and digital sensors, and are autoclavable for a low cost-per-use. The ergonomic design along with the light weight and compact design enhance patient comfort while securely holding the media in place. Arms and rings sold individually.
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