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Erkodur Platten glasklar 120 x 0,6 mm 100 Stk. 52 42 06
Artikel-Nr.: 125.524.206
Product-description: Colour: Clear. Material Characteristics: Very tough, hard material. Very well thermoformable. Burns without residues. Bonds to acrylate.
Usage: Plastification: (for machines without heating time control) Place the foil in the devices in such a way that the spacer/insulating foil is pointing towards the model. Test softness of foil with an instrument. If permanent impressions result, thermoform. The spacer foil will be taken off only after thermoforming and finishing. Moisten the area that has to be adjusted with acrylate at first with little monomer.
Usage: Plastification: (for machines without heating time control) Place the foil in the devices in such a way that the spacer/insulating foil is pointing towards the model. Test softness of foil with an instrument. If permanent impressions result, thermoform. The spacer foil will be taken off only after thermoforming and finishing. Moisten the area that has to be adjusted with acrylate at first with little monomer.
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