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Erkoflex Platten Freestyle lavastrip 120 x 4,0 mm, 5 Stk.

  • Erkoflex Platten Freestyle lavastrip 120 x 4,0 mm, 5 Stk.

Erkoflex Platten Freestyle lavastrip 120 x 4,0 mm, 5 Stk.

Artikel-Nr.: 124.581.290
Rubbery, soft material. Can be adjusted by heating or with fusing gun. Hardness Shore A: 82. Does not bond to acrylate. Chemical characteristics: EVA: ethyl-vinyl-acetate. Harmless to health, BgVV (Federal Health Office) listed thermoplast with tested biocompatibility. Insouble in water, inactive, harmless to ground water.

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