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Sof-Lex Introkit Art.2385P

  • Sof-Lex Introkit Art.2385P

Sof-Lex Introkit Art.2385P

Artikel-Nr.: 56.238.510
Basic Kit Sof-Lex Finishing Strips
120 Sof-Lex Pop-On Polishing Discs; superfine, fine, medium, coarse
30 pcs each; Ø 9.5 mm, 120 Sof-Lex Pop-On Polishing Discs;
superfine, fine, medium, coarse 30 pcs each; Ø 12.7 mm,
120 Sof-Lex XT Pop-On Polishing Discs, superfine, fine, medium,
coarse; 30 pcs each; Ø 9.5 mm, 120 Sof-Lex XT Pop-On Polishing
Discs, superfine, fine, medium, coarse; 30 pcs each; Ø 12.7 mm,
1 RA mandrel, 15 Sof-Lex Finishing Strips, coarse/medium,
15 Sof-Lex Finishing Strips, coarse/medium narrow, 15 Sof-Lex
Finishing Strips, fine/superfine

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