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Sof-Lex Pop-On Introkit 1980
Artikel-Nr.: 56.198.000
Tooth Polishing Discs.
- Flexible polishing discs with aluminium oxide coating.
- Four different abrasive grades (coarse to superfine) and two disc thicknesses (normal and extra thin).
- Each abrasive grade is identified by a special colour-coding system.
- Discs can be easily changed due to the patented Pop-On Mandrel System.
- Fracture resistant and sterilisable metal mandrel.
- 3M ESPE Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing Discs and Finishing Strips for polishing of composite, compomer, metal and ceramic.
- Sof-Lex polishing discs for facial and lingual margins of anterior and posterior restorations.
3M ESPE Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing Discs provide coarse to superfine grits clearly colour-coded for ease of procedure sequencing and quick, pop-on/off disc interchangeability.
- Reversible Discs - Makes aligning disc easier for polishing various surfaces.
- Fast and Easy Disc Change - Simply snaps securely on or off mandrel with no need for alignment.
- Colour-Coded - Sequenced from dark (coarse) to light (superfine) for easily followed step-by-step process.
- Two Sizes - For a variety of needs. 13 mm or 9 mm.
- Maximized Abrasive Surface - Mandrel is low profile. Disc has a small round eyelet.
- Choice of disc Thickness and Flexibility - Applicable to a variety of uses with regular or extra thin construction.
- Flexible polishing discs with aluminium oxide coating.
- Four different abrasive grades (coarse to superfine) and two disc thicknesses (normal and extra thin).
- Each abrasive grade is identified by a special colour-coding system.
- Discs can be easily changed due to the patented Pop-On Mandrel System.
- Fracture resistant and sterilisable metal mandrel.
- 3M ESPE Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing Discs and Finishing Strips for polishing of composite, compomer, metal and ceramic.
- Sof-Lex polishing discs for facial and lingual margins of anterior and posterior restorations.
3M ESPE Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing Discs provide coarse to superfine grits clearly colour-coded for ease of procedure sequencing and quick, pop-on/off disc interchangeability.
- Reversible Discs - Makes aligning disc easier for polishing various surfaces.
- Fast and Easy Disc Change - Simply snaps securely on or off mandrel with no need for alignment.
- Colour-Coded - Sequenced from dark (coarse) to light (superfine) for easily followed step-by-step process.
- Two Sizes - For a variety of needs. 13 mm or 9 mm.
- Maximized Abrasive Surface - Mandrel is low profile. Disc has a small round eyelet.
- Choice of disc Thickness and Flexibility - Applicable to a variety of uses with regular or extra thin construction.
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