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Renfert Geo Expert enamel-Tras 634-0200
Artikel-Nr.: 126.340.200
The modeling waxes GEO Expert sculpture/dentin are developed specifically for modeling monolithic wax-ups and conventional modeling for crown and bridgework.
The GEO Expert enamel and translucent modeling waxes are organic and transparent. They burn out residue-free and are suitable for all-ceramics and pressable ceramics.
The modeling waxes GEO Expert dentin/enamel/translucent are tooth-colored waxes for modeling and optimum visualization of esthetic waxups.
The GEO Expert enamel and translucent modeling waxes are organic and transparent. They burn out residue-free and are suitable for all-ceramics and pressable ceramics.
The modeling waxes GEO Expert dentin/enamel/translucent are tooth-colored waxes for modeling and optimum visualization of esthetic waxups.
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