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GC Initial MC Paste Opaque Mod OM-1 3 grr
Artikel-Nr.: 132.870.017
GC Initial MC, GC Initial LF, GC Initial Ti - The ultimate metal-ceramic system.
The GC Initial Ceramic System offers new perspectives for metal-ceramic indications. Whether you use GC Initial MC in the standard temperature range, GC Initial LF with the low-fusing technique or go all the way with GC Initial Ti for titanium indications, you can't go wrong! The benefits of GC Initial translate into simple handling, systematic and straightforward components and materials enhanced by process-optimized processing - all of which produce consistently superb aesthetics: optimal cost-effectiveness.
One global concept - one shade system - one layering technique:
° Perfectly adapted to all conventional alloys
° Cross-system logic for all materials and shade matching
° Straightforward and identical concepts for the individual set components
° Simple handling and short learning curve
° Quick, aesthetic and economical results
"State of the art" in metal-ceramic too:
° Optimized shrinkage properties and good polishability
° GC Initial MC is fired below 900 °C and GC Initial LF below 770 °C
° MC, LF and Ti offer the optimal solution for each and every metal-ceramic indication
° Effect materials for all the different staining and layering techniques
° Perfectly coordinated components
Note: For detail regarding set composition and refills please refer to individual leaflets.
The GC Initial Ceramic System offers new perspectives for metal-ceramic indications. Whether you use GC Initial MC in the standard temperature range, GC Initial LF with the low-fusing technique or go all the way with GC Initial Ti for titanium indications, you can't go wrong! The benefits of GC Initial translate into simple handling, systematic and straightforward components and materials enhanced by process-optimized processing - all of which produce consistently superb aesthetics: optimal cost-effectiveness.
One global concept - one shade system - one layering technique:
° Perfectly adapted to all conventional alloys
° Cross-system logic for all materials and shade matching
° Straightforward and identical concepts for the individual set components
° Simple handling and short learning curve
° Quick, aesthetic and economical results
"State of the art" in metal-ceramic too:
° Optimized shrinkage properties and good polishability
° GC Initial MC is fired below 900 °C and GC Initial LF below 770 °C
° MC, LF and Ti offer the optimal solution for each and every metal-ceramic indication
° Effect materials for all the different staining and layering techniques
° Perfectly coordinated components
Note: For detail regarding set composition and refills please refer to individual leaflets.
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