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Noritake EX-3 Translucent T1, (50gr)

  • Noritake EX-3 Translucent T1, (50gr)

Noritake EX-3 Translucent T1, (50gr)

Artikel-Nr.: 105.675.595
The fabrication procedures for NORITAKE SUPER PORCELAIN EX-3 are remarkably easy. Its outstanding features are made possible because of its very fine particle size. NORITAKE SUPER PORCELAIN EX-3 is superior to other dental porcelains because its coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) remains stable during repeated bakings. Therefore, when making a long span bridge, each unit may be precisely customized with repeated baking of the entire span with minimal risk of cracking. It is compatible with precious, semi-precious, non-precious and silverfree alloys for metal-ceramic protheses. Its fluorescence is ideal and it is highly resistant to silver-induced greening. This combination of features makes NORITAKE SUPER PORCELAIN EX-3 an ideal choice for porcelain restorations.

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