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Tecnoss OsteoBiol Evolution, Membrane fein 20 x mm, 2507/3E

  • Tecnoss OsteoBiol Evolution, Membrane fein 20 x mm, 2507/3E
  • Tecnoss OsteoBiol Evolution, Membrane fein 20 x mm, 2507/3E

Tecnoss OsteoBiol Evolution, Membrane fein 20 x mm, 2507/3E

Artikel-Nr.: 62.225.090
Obtained from heterologous mesenchymal tissue, the Evolution membrane is gradually resorbable. Its structure is made of dense collagen fibers of high consistency and of extraordinary resistance that offer the specialist surgeon:

° maximum adaptability to bone tissue and soft tissues
° easy and secure suturability to nearby tissues
° best membrane-bone and membrane-periosteum interface
° stability and prolonged protection of the underlying graft

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