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Kerr Herculite XRV Ultra Flow A3 2x2 g Spritze 35409
Artikel-Nr.: 54.335.409
Nanohybrid Flowable Composite - a flowable that works just the way you want
° Smart Placement Technology
° Outstanding flexural strength
° Excellent gloss retention
° Easy polishability
For a flowable, having one viscosity that flows into all internal line and point angles while holding its shape may seem impossible. However, the rheological additive in Herculite XRV Ultra Flow helps it perform this feat by reducing surface tension as the material contacts the tooth surface under pressure - allowing it to flow to the boundaries of the restoration. The same additive encourages higher surface tension after the material has been placed.
° Smart Placement Technology
° Outstanding flexural strength
° Excellent gloss retention
° Easy polishability
For a flowable, having one viscosity that flows into all internal line and point angles while holding its shape may seem impossible. However, the rheological additive in Herculite XRV Ultra Flow helps it perform this feat by reducing surface tension as the material contacts the tooth surface under pressure - allowing it to flow to the boundaries of the restoration. The same additive encourages higher surface tension after the material has been placed.
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