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Buffalo Gipsmesser 7R
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Artikel-Nr.: 127.155.600
No. 7R Knife w/ Rosewood Handle,1 ½" Blade for Light Plaster & Compound.
World-renowned quality and durability, used for generations by Technicians and Dentists.
° High quality carbon steel blades provide extrasharp edges and reliable cutting
° Rosewood handled "R" knives feature solid double-rivet construction and provide years of durable performance
° "Green Line" knives utilize ergonomic enameled wooden handles for comfortable grip
° No. 6A and 7A Autoclavable knives feature tough plastic handles and stain-resistant blades for sterilization durability
° Bench knife features 1 3/4" long hardened tool steel blade and black lacquered, flat-sided handle
World-renowned quality and durability, used for generations by Technicians and Dentists.
° High quality carbon steel blades provide extrasharp edges and reliable cutting
° Rosewood handled "R" knives feature solid double-rivet construction and provide years of durable performance
° "Green Line" knives utilize ergonomic enameled wooden handles for comfortable grip
° No. 6A and 7A Autoclavable knives feature tough plastic handles and stain-resistant blades for sterilization durability
° Bench knife features 1 3/4" long hardened tool steel blade and black lacquered, flat-sided handle
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