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MELAseal 100+ Appareil à sceller 10211

  • MELAseal 100+ Appareil à sceller 10211
  • MELAseal 100+ Appareil à sceller 10211

MELAseal 100+ Appareil à sceller 10211

Référence: 67.111.000
The new MELAseal 100+ combines the advantages of its predecessors, the MELAseal 100 and the MELAseal 101 in a single device. Efficiency, reliability and ease of use.
After a brief preheating time of about 2 minutes, the foils can be sealed without a pause and with a width of sealing seam of 10 mm (EN 868-5 requires a minimum width of only 6 mm).
The new electronics tests the sealing time and the sealing temperature, while an optical and acoustic signal is made if there is a deviation. The infinitely variable thermostat enables the use of packages from different manufacturers.
During the sealing procedure, bags can be cut from a roll (e.g. MELAfolMELAfol) to the required length with the integrated cutting device, and be processed so much more cheaply than with ready foil bags.

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