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Intensiv Unigloss Paste, Spritze Art.2500 2.5 gr.

  • Intensiv Unigloss Paste, Spritze Art.2500 2.5 gr.

Intensiv Unigloss Paste, Spritze Art.2500 2.5 gr.

Riferimento: 68.100.021
One step universal extra fine grit diamond paste with uniquely surface adapted micro grain for high gloss shining of all aesthetical restorations.
Perfectly smooth and shiny surfaces of fillings and restorative prosthesis treatment continue to be the essential requirement for all long lasting oral restorations as well as the general improvement of aesthetical aspects appearances: Intensiv UniglossPaste, thanks to its special formula of micro grit diamond with all its specific features, represents the ideal universal product for the finishing of aesthetical restorations.
Product description
° Polishing paste with a significant proportion of ultrafine granulated natural diamonds, in its composition adapted to the surface roughness of aesthetical restorations.
° The selected mixture of the diamond grits represents the first range of the ultra fine diamond granulate.
° The composition of Intensiv UniglossPaste contains specific substances which guarantee a thixotropic effect.
° Blue paste without any odour nor taste.
° Final polishing and high gloss shining for the surfaces of all aesthetic dental materials
° Maintenance of existing aesthetic restorations
Can be used with either standard nylon bristle junior cup brush or Prophylaxis rubber cup – without splattering
° Fast high gloss polishing in 15 seconds only
° Surface roughness of treated surface similar to that of natural enamel
° Only one paste for treatment of all aesthetic dental materials
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