FKG Matrixes molar 0.05 mm, Art.309T 100 pcs.
Matrixes are compatible with all types of reconstruction material. FKG offers...
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Matrixes are compatible with all types of reconstruction material. FKG offers...
Gebrauchsfertige Desinfektions- und Reinigungstücher für empfindliche...
Narrow blade design with deeper shank angle for use in the posterior. Surface...
La polvere AIRFLOW® powder PLUS è la prima polvere high-tech che rimuove il...
Area-specific to allow for deep scaling, root planing and periodontal...
Superfici mesiali dei molari, gambo della lama particolarmente angolato...
EverEdge Technologie: die revolutionäre neue Edelstahllegierung ist extrem...