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MM Seal Wurzelkanalfüllpaste, Dualspritze 13,5 gr. + Zubehör

  • MM Seal Wurzelkanalfüllpaste, Dualspritze 13,5 gr. + Zubehör

MM Seal Wurzelkanalfüllpaste, Dualspritze 13,5 gr. + Zubehör

Riferimento: 62.060.106
MM-SealTM is a high quality, epoxy resin-based paste/paste sealer for permanent filling of root canals. Its outstanding chemical and physical properties provide excellent sealing of root canals. Eugenol-free, biocompatible and radio-opaque. It can be used for all gutta percha obturation techniques.
° Dual-syringe design for accurate dispensing.
° Homogeneous, free of air bubbles and easy to mix.
° Penetrates superbly into the smallest lateral canals.
° Excellent biocompatibility.
° Can be worked for 35 minutes at 23°C.
° Sets in 45 minutes at 37°C, allowing stress-free placement of gutta percha cones.
Leggi di più
Micro Mega

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