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GC Gradia Plus Die-Harder 5 ml
Riferimento: 132.901.131
Modular composite system for indirect restorations.
A NEW STANDARD in lifelike mixing and layering of shades.
GC is proud to introduce its novel laboratory composite GRADIA PLUS, developed in close cooperation with a group of top dental technicians.
Based on the latest ceramic polymer technology this advanced, high-strength, nano-hybrid, light-curing composite offers brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain.
Its unique modular concept has fewer standard shades, but uses a more individual mixing and layering approach making it more compact and cost-effective. Nevertheless it will meet all demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach.
° Innovation meets indication
° Wide range of clinical applications: from metal free inlays, veneers and jacket crowns to frame-supported crowns & bridges and implant superstructures
° Improved aesthetics and superior mechanical properties, ensuring a long-term, permanent solution
° State-of-the-art ceramic-polymer technology
° High-density and homogeneously dispersed ultra-fine fillers offer high mechanical properties achieved by light-curing only
° High wear-resistance, compacted surface and surface smoothness, which delivers durability and high gloss retention
° Red & white aesthetics in perfect harmony
° Brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence and fluorescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain
° Meets all aesthetics regardless of the selected technique: from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
° Easy to polish thanks to high compacted & smooth surface
° Wide variety of red shades offering a close match of the patient's gingival tissue in colour and texture
° Indication-related consistency of pastes
° Two paste viscosities Heavy Body and Light Body, fine-tuned based on their typical indication and area of application:
For production of high-aesthetic crown and bridge work, the layering technique offers an almost unlimited number of colour combinations
For fast and easy monolithical restorations, the single One Body pastes are the perfect base
° The Lustre Paint colours provide an extremely simple way to add long-lasting colour and surface gloss as well as a high wear resistance and protection:
Can be used for internal and external colouring
Colours can easily be mixed together and the consistency can be adapted using the Lustre Paint diluting liquid
Reduces the polishing stage, saving you valuable time
° Rational and modular
° Unique modular concept that allows choosing the module that meets the demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
° Fewer standard shades but more ceramic like individual mixing and layering of shades making it more compact and cost-effective
° Four V-coloured opaques and one base opaque with excellent flow and effective masking ability
° Curing at the speed of light
° All shades of GC GRADIA PLUS polymerize completely in short irradiation times with the all-new GC Labolight Duo, our state-of-the-art multi-functional light-curing device which combines two curing modes: pre-curing (step mode) and final curing (full mode)
Leggi di più
A NEW STANDARD in lifelike mixing and layering of shades.
GC is proud to introduce its novel laboratory composite GRADIA PLUS, developed in close cooperation with a group of top dental technicians.
Based on the latest ceramic polymer technology this advanced, high-strength, nano-hybrid, light-curing composite offers brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain.
Its unique modular concept has fewer standard shades, but uses a more individual mixing and layering approach making it more compact and cost-effective. Nevertheless it will meet all demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach.
° Innovation meets indication
° Wide range of clinical applications: from metal free inlays, veneers and jacket crowns to frame-supported crowns & bridges and implant superstructures
° Improved aesthetics and superior mechanical properties, ensuring a long-term, permanent solution
° State-of-the-art ceramic-polymer technology
° High-density and homogeneously dispersed ultra-fine fillers offer high mechanical properties achieved by light-curing only
° High wear-resistance, compacted surface and surface smoothness, which delivers durability and high gloss retention
° Red & white aesthetics in perfect harmony
° Brightness, translucency, chroma and a natural opalescence and fluorescence in the oral environment that is similar to porcelain
° Meets all aesthetics regardless of the selected technique: from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
° Easy to polish thanks to high compacted & smooth surface
° Wide variety of red shades offering a close match of the patient's gingival tissue in colour and texture
° Indication-related consistency of pastes
° Two paste viscosities Heavy Body and Light Body, fine-tuned based on their typical indication and area of application:
For production of high-aesthetic crown and bridge work, the layering technique offers an almost unlimited number of colour combinations
For fast and easy monolithical restorations, the single One Body pastes are the perfect base
° The Lustre Paint colours provide an extremely simple way to add long-lasting colour and surface gloss as well as a high wear resistance and protection:
Can be used for internal and external colouring
Colours can easily be mixed together and the consistency can be adapted using the Lustre Paint diluting liquid
Reduces the polishing stage, saving you valuable time
° Rational and modular
° Unique modular concept that allows choosing the module that meets the demands on indications or technique used from classic or multi-chromatic build-up to monolithic approach
° Fewer standard shades but more ceramic like individual mixing and layering of shades making it more compact and cost-effective
° Four V-coloured opaques and one base opaque with excellent flow and effective masking ability
° Curing at the speed of light
° All shades of GC GRADIA PLUS polymerize completely in short irradiation times with the all-new GC Labolight Duo, our state-of-the-art multi-functional light-curing device which combines two curing modes: pre-curing (step mode) and final curing (full mode)
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