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Pulpdent Snoop, Karies-Detektor 12ml SNOOP

  • Pulpdent Snoop, Karies-Detektor 12ml SNOOP
  • Pulpdent Snoop, Karies-Detektor 12ml SNOOP

Pulpdent Snoop, Karies-Detektor 12ml SNOOP

Riferimento: 53.583.139
Snoop stains infected carious dentin in 10 seconds and helps preserve vital dentin that should not be removed. This is an important tool for conservative dentistry.
° Detects caries in difficult to see places
° Dark blue color provides strong contrast with dentin and the pulp
° Propylene glycol formula is reported to be more accurate than water-based formulas
° Economical dropper bottle
° Rated Four Stars by REALITY
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