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Ethilon 6.0 FS-3 Art.660H 3, Dtz.

  • Ethilon 6.0 FS-3 Art.660H 3, Dtz.

Ethilon 6.0 FS-3 Art.660H 3, Dtz.

Riferimento: 59.166.000
ETHILON Suture is nonabsorbable, sterile surgical monofilament suture composed of the long-chain aliphatic polymers Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6. ETHILON Suture is dyed black or green to enhance visibility in tissue.
ETHILON Suture is indicated for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and neurological procedures.
ETHILON Suture elicits a minimal acute inflammatory reaction in tissue, which is followed by a gradual encapsulation of the suture by fibrous connective tissue. While nylon is not absorbed, progressive hydrolysis of the nylon in vivo may result in gradual loss of tensile strength over time.
Due to the gradual loss of tensile strength which may occur over prolonged periods in vivo, nylon suture should not be used where permanent retention of tensile strength is required.
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