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Bego VarseoSmile Crown plus A3, 250 g 41119

  • Bego VarseoSmile Crown plus A3, 250 g 41119

Bego VarseoSmile Crown plus A3, 250 g 41119

Riferimento: 124.541.119
VarseoSmile Crown plus
The tooth-colored ceramic filled hybrid material for 3D printing
of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers.

Advantages for the practitioner
- Specially for the resin developed printing and processing parameters ensure smooth production sequences with reproducible results at any time
- High dimensional stability and strength of the printed objects due to high values of flexural strength and flexural modulus
- The processing properties of the material are specially adapted to the dental application - therefore precise fit
- Minimized resin sedimentation for easy handling, no mixing or shaking necessary with regular use
- Easy to grind and polish by using standard tools
- Seven shades according to the proven VITA* classical shades: A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C2, D3
- FDA 510(k) cleared and fulfills all the requirements for a Class II** and Class IIa*** medical device
- Full integration into the digital workflow enables fast delivery of definitive restorations

Advantages for the patient
- Excellent aesthetics thanks to a balanced ratio of opacity and translucency
- Low tendency to age and discolor thanks to very low water absorption and water solubility
- Low plaque accumilation due to smooth surface
- High comfort thanks to low cold and heat sensitivity
- Antagonist-friendly material with mechanical buffering effect - ideal for implant-supported crowns
- Minimized formation of secondary caries thanks to a high adhesive bond with luting composites
- High biocompatibility - therefore not cytotoxic, not genotoxic, not toxic, not irritating, and not sensitizing

Indication range
The VarseoSmile Crown plus material is used for 3D printing of permanent restorations such as single crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers for anterior and posterior areas including occlusal surfaces. Use is contraindicated in the case of known allergies to one or more ingredients.

The light polymerization can be achieved with the BEGO Otoflash (two xenon stroboscopic lamps, flash frequency 10 Hz, light spectrum 300 - 700 nm) or with the HiLite Power*, Fa. Heraeus Kulzer* (one xenon stroboscope lamp, flash frequency 20 Hz, light spectrum 390 - 540 nm).

Individualization with stains
The individualization of the post-cured objects is possible with composite stains and is the responsibility of the user. Follow manufacturer?s instructions.

In order to ensure the successful production of restorations from VarseoSmile Crown plus the following points must be taken into account prior to preparation:
- The preparation boundaries must be clearly visible
- In terms of the preparation depth, the minimum wall thicknesses for the restoration of 1 mm must be observed
- A chamfer or step preparation is recommended
As a rule, anatomically reduced preparation is recommended. Special care must be taken to ensure that no sharp angles or edges are created in order to avoid stress peaks in the frame material. These should be broken off before taking the impression using a suitable instrument, e.g., a flexible plastic diamond wheel.

Permanent restorations made of VarseoSmile Crown plus can be attached using self-adhesive cements (e. g. RelyX Unicem*, 3M Espe*) or composite cement with a primer (e. g. Variolink Esthetic DC* and Monobond Plus*, Ivoclar Vivadent*). Observe the instructions for use of the luting agent.

* This symbol is a commercial designation/registered trademark of a company which is not part of the BEGO company group.
** Class II medical device as defined by section 201(h) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act and CFR 21 part 872
*** Class IIa medical device as defined by Directive 93/42/EEC
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