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Set of 7 rubber dam clamps RDCSET7
Riferimento: 65.607.001
A popular set of 7 Rubber Dam Clamps for basic coverage.
Set includes:
#8 RDCM8
#7 RDCM7
#00 RDCM00
#9 RDCM9
#2 RDCM2
#14A RDCM14A
° Clamps are made from proprietary Satin Steel®
° Handcrafted to precise specifications and exacting quality standards
° Designed with a perfect balance between strength, flexibility and "memory"
° Heat treated for maximum strength, secure fit and lasting memory
° Designed to resist corrosion
° Made in the USA
° Select from 48 different clamp designs
° Hu-Friedy's Rubber Dam Clamp brochure (HF-460) has a popular usage chart to help you select the clamps you need
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Set includes:
#8 RDCM8
#7 RDCM7
#00 RDCM00
#9 RDCM9
#2 RDCM2
#14A RDCM14A
° Clamps are made from proprietary Satin Steel®
° Handcrafted to precise specifications and exacting quality standards
° Designed with a perfect balance between strength, flexibility and "memory"
° Heat treated for maximum strength, secure fit and lasting memory
° Designed to resist corrosion
° Made in the USA
° Select from 48 different clamp designs
° Hu-Friedy's Rubber Dam Clamp brochure (HF-460) has a popular usage chart to help you select the clamps you need
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