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myWedge, Extrasmall (XS) interproximal wedge 100 pc. 7101

  • myWedge, Extrasmall (XS) interproximal wedge 100 pc. 7101

myWedge, Extrasmall (XS) interproximal wedge 100 pc. 7101

Riferimento: 69.416.014
myWedge is an interproximal wedge made of a hi-tech plastic material. Its innovative hollow v-shape allows it to compress and adapt to the interproximal anatomy of teeth. It prevents damage to the papilla while guiding and forming the matrix band to the anatomy of the cervical area of the tooth. myWedge's unique roundhead geometry has been designed for easy handling, placement, and removal of the wedge with any standard tweezers or forceps.
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