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A+Wedge Verde Refill - Grande

  • A+Wedge Verde Refill - Grande

A+Wedge Verde Refill - Grande

Riferimento: 56.195.000
The all-new A+ Wedge controls gingival bleeding making restorations cleaner and quicker. In addition to adapting naturally to the contours of the teeth and mimicking interproximal anatomy, the A+Wedges are coated with aluminum sulfate that has an astringent effect on the gingiva. The wedges are designed to prevent back-out and are long enough to allow for proper matrix ring placement.
New A+ Wedge: It's a wedge plus an astringent!
° Controls gingival bleeding
° Improves clarity of restoration area
° Eliminates need to apply an astringent separately
The A+Wedge can be used like a traditional wedge with the addition of allowing 1-2 minutes for the astringent to take effect and rinsing the area after the procedure is complete.
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