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Software di gestione per studi e laboratori
NSK iCare+ Reinigungs-, Desinfektions- und Pflegegerät
Riferimento: 63.103.001
The clearly and intuitively arranged control panel together with the LED indicators and the internally lit treatment chamber makes it really easy to operate iCare+ the treatment chamber:
° yellow for cleaning
° white for disinfection
° blue for lubrication
When the green LED lights up at the end of the cycle, the operator knows that the cycle has been completed correctly and rest assured that the instruments have been cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.
Contents: iCare+ unit / Power cord with L-shaped plug / Air tube / Notice on DVD
Power Supply: AC 100-230 V 50/60Hz
Capacity: up to 4 instruments
Air Pressure: 0.5-0.6 MPa (5.0-6.0 kgf/cm2)
Weight: 14 kg
Dimension: W400 x D405 x H355 (mm)
Capacity of the oil tank: 500 mL
Capacity of bottles:
500 mL (Per each product of the cleaning and Disinfection disinfection)
iCare+ working hand in hand with n.clean and n.cid products.
n.clean and n.cid have been specifically developed for rotary instruments in compliance with laboratory protocols as well European and International standards.
Extensive laboratory tests have been conducted on NSK turbines, handpieces and contra-angles, as well as on instruments from other brands: the results are identical for all tested instruments and always in compliance with EN ISO15883.
It is therefore crucial that iCare be used together with n.clean for cleaning and n.cid for disinfection of rotary instruments to guarantee optimal results validated by laboratories.
n.clean, a cleaning and rinsing solution, acts as a detergent and has bacteriostatic and fungistatic effects.
It prevents proteins from attaching to internal and external surfaces of instruments.
Disinfection prior to sterilisation is carried out by n.cid, a bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal* disinfectant solution effective against wrapped viruses, as well as unwrapped Adeno viruses.
* Bactericidal: TBC, MRSA. - Fungicidal: Candida albicans - Virucidal: HBV, HCV, HIV, Herpes simplex, Influenza, H1N1 + H5N1.
Leggi di più
° yellow for cleaning
° white for disinfection
° blue for lubrication
When the green LED lights up at the end of the cycle, the operator knows that the cycle has been completed correctly and rest assured that the instruments have been cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.
Contents: iCare+ unit / Power cord with L-shaped plug / Air tube / Notice on DVD
Power Supply: AC 100-230 V 50/60Hz
Capacity: up to 4 instruments
Air Pressure: 0.5-0.6 MPa (5.0-6.0 kgf/cm2)
Weight: 14 kg
Dimension: W400 x D405 x H355 (mm)
Capacity of the oil tank: 500 mL
Capacity of bottles:
500 mL (Per each product of the cleaning and Disinfection disinfection)
iCare+ working hand in hand with n.clean and n.cid products.
n.clean and n.cid have been specifically developed for rotary instruments in compliance with laboratory protocols as well European and International standards.
Extensive laboratory tests have been conducted on NSK turbines, handpieces and contra-angles, as well as on instruments from other brands: the results are identical for all tested instruments and always in compliance with EN ISO15883.
It is therefore crucial that iCare be used together with n.clean for cleaning and n.cid for disinfection of rotary instruments to guarantee optimal results validated by laboratories.
n.clean, a cleaning and rinsing solution, acts as a detergent and has bacteriostatic and fungistatic effects.
It prevents proteins from attaching to internal and external surfaces of instruments.
Disinfection prior to sterilisation is carried out by n.cid, a bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal* disinfectant solution effective against wrapped viruses, as well as unwrapped Adeno viruses.
* Bactericidal: TBC, MRSA. - Fungicidal: Candida albicans - Virucidal: HBV, HCV, HIV, Herpes simplex, Influenza, H1N1 + H5N1.
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