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Intensiv Rootshape RS4

  • Intensiv Rootshape RS4

Intensiv Rootshape RS4

Riferimento: 68.740.105
Oscillating diamond-coated files for tissue-sparing root planning.
Checking for and removal of soft microbiological plaque, concrements, and filling excesses on the root surface are considered today the essential aspect of the periodontal therapy. The Rootshape files are ideal tools for this type of treatment.
Product description:
° Flexible files in two different lengths (11 and 16mm) with spoon-shaped working ends that are diamond coated on their convex side.
° Grits: 40, 15, and 4µm.
To be used in combination with Intensiv Swingle, WG-69 LT (with light).
° Supragingival and subgingival plaque removal
° Root planning
° Odontoplasty
° Easy access to morphologically difficult areas
° Superior tactile detection of deposits and excesses
° Controlled pressure application thanks to flexible files
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