Asymmetrically intersecting grooves break up the surface of the COOL DIAMANT instruments. These diamond-coated grooves not only transport more cooling medium, but also interrupt the grinding process up to seven times during each rotation of the instrument. These two factors ensure a cool process.
Extensive prosthetic preparations using COOL DIAMANT instruments in medium grit, turn out to show a considerable saving in time. The original COOL DIAMANT instruments are golden in all three grits for a faster identification.
The high-grade diamond coating with armour-protective layer, the consistent stability of the diamond coating also in the cooling grooves and constant controls guarantee the top-class quality of BUSCH instruments. The time-saving as well as the longevity of the COOL DIAMANT instruments make economical and patient-friendly preparations.
Congruent instruments in function and shape in three grits for precise coordinating steps in the preparation.