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Schülke Octenisept 500 ml

  • Schülke Octenisept 500 ml

Schülke Octenisept 500 ml

Riferimento: 47.081.673
Aqueous wound and mucous membrane antiseptic.

Our plus:

°broad spectrum of antiseptic efficacy

°fast onset of action (1 min.) and long-term effect (24 h remanence)

°very good skin and mucous membrane tolerance

°suitable for infants and premature babiesû

°safe use during pregnancy

°painless and colourless treatment

Application areas

Wound treatment

°Antiseptic treatment of traumatic, acute, chronic, surgical and burn wounds.

Mocous membrane antiseptic

°prior to diagnostic and surgical interventions in the anogenital (e.g. before obliteration of haemorrids), the urogenital area (e.g. before placing an intra-uterine device (IUD), the vaginal area, before prenatal, intranatal and postnatal manipulations) and in the oral cavity (e.g. before tooth extractions)

°before placing urinary tract catheters

°for preop. skin antisepsis in the area close to mucous membranes


°for antimicrobial whole body wash with MRSA colonised patients

Instructions for use

Moisturize the treated area evenly and thoroughly with the antiseptic.

Swab method: Rub concerned areas with saturated swabs. Swabbing is the prefered method of application.

Spray method: In individual cases spray octenisept® directly on poorly accessible areas of the skin and mucous membrane. Make sure all areas are evenly moistened.

octenisept® may also be applied by rinsing the oral cavity.


100g solution contains: Octenidine dihydrochloride 0.1g, 2-Phenoxyethanol (Ph.Eur.) 2.0g

Chemical-physical data

Form: liquid

Color: colourless

Density: ca. 1,005 g/cm3/20°C

Flash point: Not applicable

pH: ca. 6/20°C/concentrate
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