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Swann Morton Skalpell Griff Nr.3 graduiert,Box à 10 pc. 0933

  • Swann Morton Skalpell Griff Nr.3 graduiert,Box à 10 pc. 0933

Swann Morton Skalpell Griff Nr.3 graduiert,Box à 10 pc. 0933

Riferimento: 60.806.933
Stainless Steel Handles with a measure or graduation on the reverse side to assist with training, marking of the correct surgical site and trauma injury investigations.Fitment No.3. for Blades - No.6, 9, 10, 10A, E/11, 11, 11P, 12, 12D, 13, 14, 15, 15A, 15C, 15T, 16, 40 and SG3. Supplied individually wrapped and boxed in units of 10.
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