Dentiro Wipes Limone, Busta di ricarica 120 pz.
Busta di ricarica da 120 salviette disinfettanti (14,5 x 20 cm), profumo di...
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Busta di ricarica da 120 salviette disinfettanti (14,5 x 20 cm), profumo di...
Kältespray: ° Ca. - 50°C an Applikationskanüle (Kunststoff ) ° Orangenaroma °...
Gebrauchsfertige Desinfektions- und Reinigungstücher für empfindliche...
Luxating elevators have thin, sharp blades that are used to cut periodontal...
Periosteal Elevators are designed for reflecting and retracting the...
ø 3.5 - 4.2 mm