Mikrozid AF Liquid 1 lt., (VOC-Abgabe CHF 1.60/Flasche)
Alcohol-based rapid disinfectant for non-invasive medical products and other...
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Alcohol-based rapid disinfectant for non-invasive medical products and other...
Hard Plastic Test Stick used to determine the sharpness of an instrument....
Ago sterile monouso per qualsiasi procedura anestetica Indicazioni Ago...
Bone rongeur: ° Lenght: 145 mm
Einseitiger Wangenhalter: ° Mit langem Griff für ein freies Arbeitsfeld °...
Due to its specially designed ends, this periosteal ele- vator yields two...
Il bisturi circolare o mucotomo, per tessuti molli è uno strumento utilizzato...