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CM Impression Trays perforated, UK 431 L/2 L6

  • CM Impression Trays perforated, UK 431 L/2 L6

CM Impression Trays perforated, UK 431 L/2 L6

Riferimento: 66.464.316
IMPLAVISION-an implant mold scoop with removable individual segments.

The pick-up mold is regarded as the most precise method for the positioning of the lab implants onto the work model. Some implant manufacturers however offer a closed mold which makes the production of an individual scoop mold necessary. This means a

larger expense a lot more time and a new evaluation appointment with the patient.

Especially for these problems was the scoop mold IMPLAVISION developed, with which can be perfect workmodels in one sitting produced.

A scoop mold with 9 removable individual segments, which can be secured with a special screw only and easily removed with the included screw driver.

The individual segment is there removed where a direct access to the mold post is necessary.

As soon as the screw of the post is loosened the scoop mold can be removed from the mouth and the posts are anchored perfectly in the impression investment.

° suited for the pick-up technique

° with removable individual segments

° produced with rustfree refined steel

° reusable, sterilizes up to 200§C (398§F)

° extremely stable, for high precision impressions

° numerous retentions for the anchorage of the mold investments

° protected by international patent
Leggi di più
Martin C.

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