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Erkodur plaque 125x125 x 1.5 mm transparent 50 pcs 524415

  • Erkodur plaque 125x125 x 1.5 mm transparent 50 pcs 524415

Erkodur plaque 125x125 x 1.5 mm transparent 50 pcs 524415

Référence: 125.524.415
Product-description: Colour: Clear. Material Characteristics: Very tough, hard material. Very well thermoformable. Burns without residues. Bonds to acrylate.
Application field: Occlusal splints, bruxism splints, stabilization splints, Drum splints, miniplast splints, dressing plates, moulded appliances. Chemical characteristics: PETG: copolyester. PE, insulating foil: polyethylene. Harmless to health, BgVV (Federal Health Office) listed thermoplasts with tested biocompatibility. Insoluble in water, inactive, harmless to ground water.

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