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WHITEsmile Light Whitening AC 32% Seringue individuelle PG 6612

  • WHITEsmile Light Whitening AC 32% Seringue individuelle PG 6612

WHITEsmile Light Whitening AC 32% Seringue individuelle PG 6612

Référence: 43.003.100
LIGHT WHITENING AC is suitable for medical whitening of strongly discoloured teeth. The application is only allowed in the dentist?s office with a medical indication for patients older than 18 years of age.

° LIGHT WHITENING AC Gel in 2,5 ml-dual-chamber syringes
° GINGIVA PROTECTOR light-curing, in 3 g-syringes
° AFTER WHITENING MOUSSE for desensitizing and remineralization with a fruity taste in 3?ml-syringes

Available concentrations: 32 % HP (mixed)

° WHITEsmile Whitening Lamp, Whitening Lamp 2, Whitening Lamp XG
° Safety goggles
° Lip retractor with tongue guard

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