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crea.lign pâte GUM orange 3 g CLPN0G50

  • crea.lign pâte GUM orange 3 g CLPN0G50
  • crea.lign pâte GUM orange 3 g CLPN0G50

crea.lign pâte GUM orange 3 g CLPN0G50

Référence: 130.008.601
Take advantage of the benefits of crea.lign®
° Natural opalescence
° Outstanding effect of depth thanks to specific refractive indices
° Translucency (more options than in ceramics)
° Design and layer structure according to natural teeth
° Red-white aesthetics in 1 system: Matched crea.lign® materials for individualising teeth and gingiva
° Classic range of shades (A-D and Bleach) and additional Enamel/Incisal and GUM materials and a transparent crea.lign® Gel (Transpa Clear)
° Clearly higher impact strength than ceramic (protects the antagonist by reducing the occlusal force)
° Abrasion values comparable to those of natural teeth
° Simple and fast reconstruction of the gingiva for all implant-prosthetic restorations Chemical bonding to all substructure materials
° Result immediately visible:
° Shade stability and plaque resistance thanks to excellent polishing properties and minimal water absorption
° Optimised for implant-prosthetic restorations

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