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DMG Luxa Pick-UP 1x76gr 15 embouts Automix 214007

  • DMG Luxa Pick-UP 1x76gr 15 embouts Automix 214007

DMG Luxa Pick-UP 1x76gr 15 embouts Automix 214007

Référence: 47.214.007
The prosthesis professional that can do more.
° Direct hard relining of dentures
° Fixation of secondary parts and connection elements in implant-borne dentures
° Particularly bio-compatible: no MMA, no peroxide
° Tension-free, reliable support
° Direct chairside use
° Ideal for repairing prostheses and individualization of intermediate dentures

Easy fixation and precise relining of dentures.
When it comes to perfectly fitting dentures, LuxaPick-up makes the work much easier. The gingiva-shaded composite based on multi-functional methacrylates is your best choice for:
° Direct hard relining as compensation for changes in the mucosal bed
° Secure hold through utilization of stabilizing retention elements (pick-up technique)
The retention elements can be directly polymerized intraorally. This ensures a tension-free, secure hold on implants.
The removable dentures can be easily adapted to changing mucosal beds - thanks to direct chairside use. LuxaPick-up offers a quick and cost-effective way to restore functionality. No time delay due to external laboratory work, no inaccuracies.

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