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Detax Implantlink Semi paquet standard Art.03092

  • Detax Implantlink Semi paquet standard Art.03092

Detax Implantlink Semi paquet standard Art.03092

Référence: 48.403.092
Provisional implant cement, resin based 4:1. For positive, occlusally stable cementing of restorations. Removal without damage due to perfectly tuned adhesive properties, clearly lower displacement resistance than conventional cements. Extremely low layer thickness for maximum fitting accuracy, effortless removal of excess material (large pieces), does not adhere to soft tissues. Highest marginal tightness due to highly polymerized, ductile resin structure, dual-curing, antibacterial, neutral in odour and taste. Compatible with all material combinations.
Colour: natural opaque
Standard packing:
° cartridge mini-mix à 5 ml
° 8 mixing cannulas, brown, 4:1
° 1 flowchart

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