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SmartLite Focus feuilles de protection 300 pcs 64450030

  • SmartLite Focus feuilles de protection 300 pcs 64450030

SmartLite Focus feuilles de protection 300 pcs 64450030

Référence: 64.450.030
The SmartLite Focus curing light is a cordless pen-style, LED light polymerization device for use by trained dental professionals in dental offices or dental laboratories. SmartLite Focus curing light is characterized by:
° Small size and lightweight ergonomic design
° Cordless design with convenient handling features and exchangeable battery pack
° Smart battery charging mechanism with virtually permanent light operating availability
° Intraoral light-curing of direct restorative materials, adhesives and sealants which cure at a wave length of 460-490 nm.
° Adhesive luting of light-transmissive indirect restorations with luting material curing at a wave length of 460-490 nm.
° 300 x SmartLite Sleeve

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