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Diamant FG KC859L.314.010 Traitement du ZrO2 5 pcs

  • Diamant FG KC859L.314.010 Traitement du ZrO2 5 pcs

Diamant FG KC859L.314.010 Traitement du ZrO2 5 pcs

Référence: 125.681.127
All-ceramic ZrO2 preparation with diamond instruments using water cooling.
A prerequisite for highly durable restorations is material-friendly preparation of the sintered ceramic in order to avoid microcracks and ceramic splitting off. The 3-phase multilayer technology in combination with a newly developed solid nickel matrix guarantees a high abrasive capacity with maximum service life. The grit size of the diamond instruments has been specifically designed to avoid removal of ceramic particles to ensure that there is no risk to the long-term durability of the allceramic restoration.
° Occlusal adjustment
° Adaptation of all-ceramic Abutments
° Trepanation
° Removing an all-ceramic crown
° Fitting all-ceramic restorations

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