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Curette Gracey n°5/6 Gr n°7 ExtraRigide SG5/6ER7

  • Curette Gracey n°5/6 Gr n°7 ExtraRigide SG5/6ER7

Curette Gracey n°5/6 Gr n°7 ExtraRigide SG5/6ER7

Référence: 65.800.004
Extra rigid Gracey curettes, medium contra-angle for anterior incisors and premolars. Double-ended, easy-grip handle.
Extra Rigid Gracey curettes are ideal for tenacious calculus removal, gross scaling, and initial debridement. Blades, however, are identical in size to standard Gracey curettes. Hu-Friedy manufactures a variety of Gracey styles and patterns, such as After Five® curettes with a longer terminal shank and thinned blade, Mini Five® curettes with After Five®

° Offset blade provides a perfect working angulation for the tooth surface.
° Offset blade angulation means only the lower cutting edge of each blade is used.

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