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Curette Gracey n°7/8 Gr n°2 AF orale/buccale SRPG7/8

  • Curette Gracey n°7/8 Gr n°2 AF orale/buccale SRPG7/8

Curette Gracey n°7/8 Gr n°2 AF orale/buccale SRPG7/8

Référence: 6.570.178
The After Five® Gracey features a terminal shank 3 mm longer than a standard Gracey curette, and a thinner blade for improved access.
Gracey curettes are designed to adapt to a specific area or tooth surface. Hu-Friedy manufactures a variety of Gracey styles and patterns, such as After Five® curettes with a longer terminal shank and thinned blade, Mini Five® curettes with After Five® features and a shorter blade, and the 15/16 and 17/18 patterns. An optional Rigid shank is available on all of the Gracey designs.
Available in EverEdge® Technology, a revolutionary stainless steel alloy that is super-durable to stay sharper longer.
Features & Benefits:
° Terminal shank elongated by 3 mm for access into deep periodontal pockets and root surfaces of 5 mm or more and better clearance around the crown.
° Blade thinned by 10% to ease gingival insertion and reduce tissue distention.
° Area-specific design patterned after the standard Graceys offers exact adaptation and control.
° Available in Rigid and Extra Rigid designs for greater strength when needed.

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