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Beautifil Flow Plus seringue B2 F03 2.2g 2067

  • Beautifil Flow Plus seringue B2 F03 2.2g 2067

Beautifil Flow Plus seringue B2 F03 2.2g 2067

Référence: 69.409.219
Beautifil Flow Plus combines the application properties of a flow with the stability, durability and aesthetic of packable composites. It is approved for every classification - including occlusal surfaces and proximal margins. With improved handling properties allowing an injectable application, creating posterior restorations has never been easier. Moreover, the ability of Beautifil Flow Plus to release and recharge fluoride and it's resistance to bacterial colonisation makes it ideal for the prevention of secondary caries.

F03 Low Flow - Moderate Flow
Restoration of pits, gingival boxes for surface modification; serves as a baseline

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