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Micerium Enamel Plus HFO Dentin A2 seringue 5 gr. Art.CHFUD2

  • Micerium Enamel Plus HFO Dentin A2 seringue 5 gr. Art.CHFUD2

Micerium Enamel Plus HFO Dentin A2 seringue 5 gr. Art.CHFUD2

Référence: 53.401.002
HFO the classical composite for direct and indirect aesthetic reconstructions.
° Fluorescent dentine calibrated to the natural tooth
° Generic Enamels: three values to reproduce elderly (GE1), adult (GE2) and young (GE3) teeth
° Opalescent and Intensive enamels for reproducing opalescent and characterization of the natural enamel

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