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Porte-aiguilles Cortelini Micro Castro rond NH5024CORT

  • Porte-aiguilles Cortelini Micro Castro rond NH5024CORT

Porte-aiguilles Cortelini Micro Castro rond NH5024CORT

Référence: 65.605.025
Needle Holder Cortellini Microsurgical Castroviejo #5024, straight, round handle, 5-0 6-0 7-0 8-0, 18cm.
Did you know that NH5020M, NH5021M and NH5024CORT offer a finer beack design than the NH5020, NH5021 and NH5024?
PermaSharp Needle Holders feature tungsten carbide inserts with a ground pyramidical proFile to assure a firm, positive needle grip. Rotation of needle and/or slipping of suture material is virutally eliminated.

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