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LFC-MF-15 MalCouleurn Liquid / 15 ml Ducera Low Fusing Céramique

  • LFC-MF-15 MalCouleurn Liquid / 15 ml Ducera Low Fusing Céramique

LFC-MF-15 MalCouleurn Liquid / 15 ml Ducera Low Fusing Céramique

Référence: 108.460.445
LFC combines the exceptional material properties of hydrothermal porcelains with natural aesthetics.
Due to its unique properties, LFC opens up a completely new range of applications such as:
° Exact fitting inlays, onlays and veneers which can be fired directly on to the master model
° Relining and smoothing of porcelain margins after the glaze firing
° Shape and shade corrections, even after postbake solderings
° Repairs and corrections of crowns and bridges, for example damaged cervical margins, chipping etc.

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