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Ivotion A2/Pink-V 98.5U

  • Ivotion A2/Pink-V 98.5U
Référence: 132.707.180
The new Ivotion disc allows you to fabricate monolithic removable dentures by means of an efficient digital workflow. Complete dentures are milled from one disc in one milling process and with only a few manual working steps. This is in accordance with the product slogan: One disc. One milling process. One denture.

One disc. Ivotion combines a proven highly cross-linked PMMA tooth material with a premium denture base material. The 38 mm disc is available in the following tooth shades: A1, A2 and A3. In addition, Ivotion features the gingiva shades Preference and Pink-V.

One milling process. After the complete denture has been designed, the monolithic restoration is quickly milled in an uninterrupted milling process in a PrograMill® milling machine.

Only polishing required. The manual working steps are reduced to a minimum: The milled denture only needs polishing.

The Ivotion Denture System was designed to be to be deeply integrated into the digital laboratory for the production of esthetic dentures. Advanced digital denture design software, milling materials, milling processes, and a completely coordinated workflow, provide a high level of comfort and control. With full support, education, and training, Ivoclar Vivadent is committed to helping you shape your digital future.

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