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Candulor fourchette occlusale 1 pce 662451

  • Candulor fourchette occlusale 1 pce 662451

Candulor fourchette occlusale 1 pce 662451

Référence: 138.600.506
The proven Bite fork is available in a set with 4 vertical pins that can be unscrewed. The various planes can be clearly defined with the vertical pins and the rubber band.
One of the most important parameters in prosthetics is the parallelism between the occlusal plane and CAMPER's plane or the bipupillary line. Additional reference planes such as the Frankfurt horizontal plane and the axial-orbital plane are also easily established.
The Bite fork is a reliable instrument for checking the correct position of the occlusal plane.
Advantages: easy to use; sterilizable.

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