Palodent Plus is the latest sectional matrix system from DENTSPLY. It is dedicated for use in Class II cavities where it delivers predictable, accurate contacts and a natural restoration contour. The system includes a molar and premolar ring, 5 diff erent size tabbed matrix bands, 3 wedges, 3 wedgeguards and specially designed pin-tweezers and forceps. All components work together easily and deliver predictable tight contacts, tight gingival seal, minimized fl ash and fi nishing. Palodent Plus Matrices EZ Coat have a micro-thin non-stick fi nish making matrix removal eaven easier.
° The Palodent Plus System is indicated for Class II restorations to facilitate contouring of direct placement restorative materials.
° The Palodent Plus WedgeGuard is indicated for pre-operative placement to protect surfaces adjacent to Class II, Class III, veneer and crown preparations.
Introductory Kit:
° 100 x Palodent Plus Matrices (25 x each size 3.5 mm, 4.5 mm, 5.5 mm, 6.5 mm)
° 75 x Wedges (25 x each size: small, medium, large)
° 30 x WedgeGuards (10 x each size: small, medium, large)
° 1 x Universal Ring
° 1 x Narrow Ring
° 1 x Forceps
° 1 x Pin-Tweezers
° 1 x Instructions for Use
° 1 x Illustrated Technique Guide